Terms and Conditions
The following terms are applicable for all Deb Cooperman/debcooperman.com's products, programs, and services unless otherwise specified.
All products are for your personal use only. You may not rebrand and/or distribute products for use with coaching clients, therapists, LCSWs, counselors, health professionals, leadership trainings, schools, etc. You may not share or give away our products online in any form. Links, products, passwords, and programs are not to be shared with anyone, including but not limited to private Facebook groups, or other online forums. Attempting to copy, duplicate, reproduce, sell, trade, or resell our products is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorized by Deb Cooperman.
Refunds are not offered on ecourses, products, live events, online programs, or other offerings unless otherwise stated. Be sure to carefully read what's included in the products, events, and/or programs before purchasing. If you have any questions, they should be asked before making your purchase. It is the purchaser's responsibility to save emails, passcodes, and/or download links for all products, programs, and online courses.
Limitation of Liability
You expressly understand and agree that any claim against Deb Cooperman/debcooperman.com, The Writer Babes®, and Write Your Way Free® will be limited to the amount you paid, if any, for use of products, programs, and/or services. Deb Cooperman and debcooperman.com will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary loss or damages which may be incurred by you as a result of using our resources, or as a result of any changes, data loss or corruption, cancellation, loss of access, or downtime to the full extent that applicable limitation of liability laws apply.
Products, programs, and services are the sole property Deb Cooperman. All content and materials available on the website, including but not limited to downloadable and email courses, programs, blog posts, and sales page copy are the intellectual property of Deb Cooperman/debcooperman.com, and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law unless otherwise acknowledged. (i.g.: quotes, exercises adapted and/or shared with proper attribution from other writers/experts in the field.) Write Your Way Free® and The Writer Babes® (and all variations thereof) are fully trademarked and the property of Deb Cooperman.
Any questions you have about these terms must be asked before making a purchase.
Go here to ask.