Deb has opinions
aka: welcome to the blog
inspiration, insights, and tools help you write your way free
What if you broke free of all the shoulds?
Imagine how great we’d all feel and what could we accomplish if we weren’t obsessed with the number on the scale, our salary, our title, and the way we look in that photo our friend just posted on Facebook.
Stop saying you should stop complaining
If you compare your life to others as a way to feel better, or to force a “reality check”, you’re (in essence) attempting to convince yourself that your feelings don’t matter. (Don’t do that.)
Everything DOESN’T happen for a reason
Things do NOT happen for a reason. Things happen, and we try to make meaning out of them. But there is absolutely no cosmic plan behind the difficult things that happen to us.
Apologies, guts, and stories
I realized that the only way the women in my workshops might stop apologizing, minimizing, and doubting their stories, experiences, and worth was to hold a mirror up to it.
When “not today” becomes “today”
The devil is the voice in your head that whispers: Yeah, you know you have to quit smoking, drinking (or some other behavior that enslaves your spirit …)… and you will … of course you will. But, the devil will say: not today.
Julia Cameron can bite me (or: my love/hate with The Artist’s Way)…
Just because The Artist’s Way is super-popular and a lot of people swear by it, those who don’t “get it” or resonate with the vibe should NOT whip themselves over it.